Thursday, June 16, 2011

New Wiggin Out Boutique Location

Wiggin Out Boutique is opening its 2nd wig store! Our new location will be located at 5370 W. Fond du Lac Ave, Milwaukee.  We look forward to servicing our clients with the latest wigs, wig styling and of course our fabulous wig parties.  Wiggin Out Boutique is truly Milwaukee's BEST wig shop!! We hope you take a moment to visit us at our new location and of course check out some of our newest styles in traditional wigs and lace wigs.  Be sure to stayed tuned for info on our Grand Opening celebration coming soon...
5927 W. North Ave, |  5370 W. Fond du Lac Ave.
Milwaukee's Best Wig Shop

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Wiggin Out Boutique Newsletter

Take a moment to sign up for the Wiggin Out Boutique newsletter to receive exclusive offers, new product updates and special  promotions.  We always protect your privacy and will never share or sell your information.  Wiggin Out Boutique offers you the best wig selection, customer service and wig styling services.  If you are looking for an exclusive wig shop in the Milwaukee area, stop in Wiggin Out Boutique today.  Also be on the look out for our new location on W. Fon du Lac Ave opening on June 15, 2011.  Always look and feel your best at Wiggin Out Boutique.

Wiggin Out Boutique |  Milwaukee's Best Wig Shop | 414.259.9455
5927 W. North Ave, Milwaukee, WI